The Sassy Catz Team

Nikita Celestia

Founder And Queen OF Brattitude

Ever since the days of using the lounge lizard in a martini glass emoji (which is no longer available and has been lost in the sands of time) Nikita has been the pawsome driving force for not only what looks good when on air, but also what sounds good on air.

Though it's many iterations, Sassy Catz Radio can credit Nikita for never giving up on the dream of bringing great radio and will remain not only the founder but also the programming director.


Pendragon Nightwish

Co-founder and complete nutter.

What can one say that has not been said before?

At an early age Pendragon had a knack for being on the air. 

Taking great inspirations from the likes of Wolfman Jack and Ribin Williams many have compared his time on air to the Doctor Dimento Show. 

No two shows are the same, so if you miss one show it will never be heard again.

Broadcaster Name Here


You can see your picture and description here regardless of who you are or what you are.


We use the name Broadcaster instead of DJ as we want to separate ourselves from the half-ass low lever slop being put out today